Gemstones and Ores



Roll 1D100 


Look up the appropriate category and roll 1D20


Within each category all items are sorted by price – 1 being cheapest, 20 being most expensive.

Ersatz Mineral – man-made, fake stones. Typically given a flavorful name to sound expensive, these are often glass or cheap stones with dye treatments. 

50cp – 25sp (cm3)


Stone – Large naturally formed rocks, might be used for cavern walls, statues buildings or altars.

20sp – 50gp (m3)


Ores – Rocks that metals are extracted from, ores can be cavern formations or dug-out mines.

1gp – 1000gp (m3)


Semi-Precious – gemstones that can be transparent (Crystalline) or opaque (Microcrystalline) and are generally more common than Precious Gemstones.

10gp – 100gp (cm3)


Precious – Expensive or rare Gemstones- often with clear crystal formations. 

500gp – 5000gp (cm3)


D100 List

Roll 1D100

  1. Gold Obsidian – yellow glass
  2. Clear Obsidian – clear glass
  3. Emerald Obsidian – green glass
  4. Ocean Obsidian – green-blue glass
  5. Sapphire Obsidian – blue glass
  6. Vermillion Obsidian – bright red glass
  7. Wine Obsidian – deep red glass
  8. Royal Obsidian – purple glass
  9. Fire Jade – poor-quality opals, sometimes glass
  10. Beach moonstone – Quartz
  11. Goldstone – resin with copper flecks, this stone is coppery and sparkles in sunlight. Sometimes called Sunstone
  12. Dewstone – resin with chromium flecks, this stone is green and sparkles in sunlight.
  13. Starstone – resin with cobalt flecks, this stone is dark purple or blue and resembles the stars of the night sky.
  14. Fairy Agate – bright agates, dyed
  15. Turquoisite – Dyed Howlite stone
  16. Rainbow Hematite – Hematite treated with a colorful coating
  17. Magnetic Hematite
  18. Opalite
  19. Zandrite
  20. Slocum Opal
  21. Feldspar
  22. Riverstone
  23. Mica (flaky, thin sheets)
  24. Granite
  25. Sandstone (may have fossils)
  26. Limestone (may have fossils)
  27. Basalt
  28. Slate (may have fossils)
  29. Soapstone
  30. Hornfels (very tough)
  31. Marble
  32. Rhyolite
  33. Chert
  34. Jet (gemstone form of coal)
  35. Bloodstone (green with flecks of red)
  36. Labradorite (Iridescent blue)
  37. Lodestone (magnetic)
  38. Petrified Wood
  39. Charoite
  40. Alabaster
  41. Tetrahedrite 32% Copper 10% Iron
  42. Chrysocolla 34% Copper 2% Aluminum
  43. Bismuthinite 81% Bismuth
  44. Malachite 58% Copper
  45. Siderite 49% Iron
  46. Covellite 67% Copper
  47. Limonite 60% Iron
  48. Cuprite 88% Copper
  49. Hematite 70% Iron
  50. Nickeline 44% Nickel
  51. Magnetite 72% Iron
  52. Cassiterite 79% Tin
  53. Cobaltite 36% Cobalt
  54. Chromite 46% Chromium 25% Iron
  55. Galena 87% Lead 2% Silver
  56. Bauxite 45% Aluminum
  57. Acanthite 87% Silver
  58. Krennerite 43% Gold
  59. Native Gold 99% Gold
  60. Sperrylite 57% Platinum
  61. Quartz
  62. Rose Quartz
  63. Garnet
  64. Amethyst
  65. Blue Lace Agate
  66. Onyx
  67. Carnelian
  68. Peridot
  69. Moss Agate
  70. Fluorite
  71. Citrine
  72. Kyanite
  73. Fluorite
  74. Spinel
  75. Tiger’s Eye
  76. Dragon’s Eye
  77. Hawk’s Eye
  78. Moonstone
  79. Turquoise
  80. Tourmaline
  81. Topaz
  82. Tanzanite
  83. Larimar
  84. Taaffeite
  85. Sapphire
  86. Emerald
  87. Demantoid Garnet
  88. Benitoite
  89. Padparadscha Sapphire
  90. Ruby
  91. Blue Paraiba Tourmaline
  92. Jeremejevite
  93. Bixbite
  94. Jadeite
  95. Alexandrite
  96. Clear Diamond
  97. Painite
  98. Musgravite
  99. Blue Diamond
  100. Pink Diamond



Categorized | Sorted by Price

Ersatz Mineral

Roll 1D20

  1. Gold Obsidian – yellow glass
  2. Clear Obsidian – clear glass
  3. Emerald Obsidian – green glass
  4. Ocean Obsidian – green-blue glass
  5. Sapphire Obsidian – blue glass
  6. Vermillion Obsidian – bright red glass
  7. Wine Obsidian – deep red glass
  8. Royal Obsidian – purple glass
  9. Fire Jade – poor-quality opals, sometimes glass
  10. Beach moonstone – Quartz
  11. Goldstone – resin with copper flecks, this stone is coppery and sparkles in sunlight. Sometimes called Sunstone
  12. Dewstone – resin with chromium flecks, this stone is green and sparkles in sunlight.
  13. Starstone – resin with cobalt flecks, this stone is dark purple or blue and resembles the stars of the night sky.
  14. Fairy Agate – bright agates, dyed
  15. Turquoisite – Dyed Howlite stone
  16. Rainbow Hematite – Hematite treated with a colorful coating
  17. Magnetic Hematite
  18. Opalite
  19. Zandrite
  20. Slocum Opal



Roll 1D20

  1. Feldspar
  2. Riverstone
  3. Mica (flaky, thin sheets)
  4. Granite
  5. Sandstone (may have fossils)
  6. Limestone (may have fossils)
  7. Basalt
  8. Slate (may have fossils)
  9. Soapstone
  10. Hornfels (very tough)
  11. Marble
  12. Rhyolite
  13. Chert
  14. Jet (gemstone form of coal)
  15. Bloodstone (green with flecks of red)
  16. Labradorite (Iridescent blue)
  17. Lodestone (magnetic)
  18. Petrified Wood
  19. Charoite
  20. Alabaster



Roll 1D20

  1. Tetrahedrite 32% Copper 10% Iron
  2. Chrysocolla 34% Copper 2% Aluminum
  3. Bismuthinite 81% Bismuth
  4. Malachite 58% Copper
  5. Siderite 49% Iron
  6. Covellite 67% Copper
  7. Limonite 60% Iron
  8. Cuprite 88% Copper
  9. Hematite 70% Iron
  10. Nickeline 44% Nickel
  11. Magnetite 72% Iron
  12. Cassiterite 79% Tin
  13. Cobaltite 36% Cobalt
  14. Chromite 46% Chromium 25% Iron
  15. Galena 87% Lead 2% Silver
  16. Bauxite 45% Aluminum
  17. Acanthite 87% Silver
  18. Krennerite 43% Gold
  19. Native Gold 99% Gold
  20. Sperrylite 57% Platinum


Semi-Precious Gemstone

Roll 1D20

  1. Quartz
  2. Rose Quartz
  3. Garnet
  4. Amethyst
  5. Blue Lace Agate
  6. Onyx
  7. Carnelian
  8. Peridot
  9. Moss Agate
  10. Fluorite
  11. Citrine
  12. Kyanite
  13. Fluorite
  14. Spinel
  15. Tiger’s Eye
  16. Dragon’s Eye
  17. Hawk’s Eye
  18. Moonstone
  19. Turquoise
  20. Tourmaline


Precious Gemstones

Roll 1D20

  1. Topaz
  2. Tanzanite
  3. Larimar
  4. Taaffeite
  5. Sapphire
  6. Emerald
  7. Demantoid Garnet
  8. Benitoite
  9. Padparadscha Sapphire
  10. Ruby
  11. Blue Paraiba Tourmaline
  12. Jeremejevite
  13. Bixbite
  14. Jadeite
  15. Alexandrite
  16. Clear Diamond
  17. Painite
  18. Musgravite
  19. Blue Diamond
  20. Pink Diamond