I have made two of these display cases for my rock collection. On the leftis a photo of my favorite one. Below is a video of the process of making one. These are made from old sample drawers that I found at a flea market, and metal gutter guard that I bought at a home improvement store. The metal is held in with pressure only. Each circular rock display is a bead container with cotton and a magnet.



I made a browser game over a decade ago. It’s a pet game inspired by the online pet games I played as a kid and young adult.


You can still play it


It’s still going strong, with a new team whom I talk to very little but love very much for keeping my pet project going.


WindRose Gallery


I have a small collection of my favorite pieces of art that I made for the game, but what I am most proud of on that project is the game system of pet traits, as well as the complex way those traits are translated onto humanoid avatars. I am going to write more about that sometime and when I do I’ll put a link to that content here.