Flavorful Foraged Foods


Roll 1D100 


Look up the predominant terrain and roll 1D20


Within each terrain all foods are sorted by season

1-5; Spring

6-10; Summer

11-15; Fall

16-20; Winter

Look up the terrain and determine how far into the year you are. The 3-4 items around that range will be in season.

Ex; In the forest at the end of spring you might find… 

Fiddleheads, Oyster Mushrooms, and Quail Eggs. 

Many items can be found in other regions or multiple seasons – modifications and generalizations were made to prevent duplicate entries and for simplicity.

Each item listed is an actual food you can forage, so this works just fine for low magic settings. 

Please don’t use this to actually go foraging.

Many items require preparation and/or can’t be eaten raw. If you think that’s relevant to your group I have marked them with a *

D100 List

Roll 1D100

  1. Ramps (Wild Leeks)
  2. River Cane Shoots
  3. Fiddleheads * (Young Ferns)
  4. Oyster Mushroom
  5. Quail Eggs
  6. Catfish
  7. Queen Anne’s Lace (Wild Carrots)
  8. Chicken of the Woods Mushroom
  9. Cattails (near water)
  10. BlackBerries
  11. Chicory (Leafy Vegetable)
  12. Paw Paw (Tree Fruit)
  13. Black Walnuts *
  14. Acorns *
  15. Bolete Mushrooms
  16. Rose Hips * (Rose Bush Berries)
  17. Crabapple  (Tree Fruit)
  18. Persimmons  (Tree Fruit)
  19. Gingko nuts *
  20. Chestnuts
  21. Shaggy Mane Mushrooms
  22. Horseradish
  23. Rhubarb *
  24. Morel Mushrooms
  25. Green Fir Pine Cones *
  26. Cherries
  27. Gooseberry *
  28. Blueberry
  29. Elderberries
  30. Raspberries
  31. Porcini Mushroom
  32. Chanterelle
  33. Salmon
  34. Sheep Sorrel (Leafy Vegetable)
  35. Evergreen Needles *
  36. Camas Root
  37. Actinidia (Bush Fruit)
  38. Juniper Berries
  39. Sea buckthorn (Bush Berry)
  40. Usnea – Old Man’s Beard * (Moss)
  41. Pepper Dulse (Seaweed)
  42. Gutweed (Seaweed)
  43. Brown Crabs
  44. Duck Eggs
  45. Sandpiper Eggs
  46. Brown shrimp
  47. Snails
  48. Sugar Kelp (Seaweed)
  49. Sea Lettuce (Seaweed)
  50. Beach Peas *
  51. Beach Mustard (Leafy Vegetable)
  52. Sand Crab
  53. Watercress (Leafy Vegetable)
  54. Oarweed * (Seaweed)
  55. Serrated Wrack  (Seaweed)
  56. Mussels
  57. Laver * (Seaweed)
  58. Dumont’s Weed  (Seaweed)
  59. Clams
  60. Oysters
  61. Wild Violets
  62. Dandelions
  63. Burdock (Leafy Vegetable)
  64. Daylilies
  65. Kudzu (Leafy Vegetable)
  66. Lambsquarter (Leafy Vegetable)
  67. Purslane (Succulent)
  68. Miner’s Lettuce
  69. Hedgehog Mushrooms
  70. Wild Onions
  71. Strawberries
  72. Wild Grapes
  73. Wild Apples
  74. Squash
  75. Pecans *
  76. Kinnikinnick (Leafy Vegetable)
  77. Greenbriar Root
  78. Cattail Root
  79. Chickweed
  80. Teaberry
  81. Nettles (Leafy Vegetable) *
  82. Agarita Berries
  83. Yucca Flower *
  84. Milk Thistle
  85. Chiávul Buds (Cactus)
  86. Saguaro Fruit * (Cactus)
  87. Mulberries
  88. Wild Poppies
  89. Hackberry
  90. Amaranth
  91. Honey Mesquite (Bush and Seeds)
  92. Prickly Pear * (Cactus)
  93. Peppergrass
  94. Sweetgum Pods
  95. Henbit (Leafy Vegetable)
  96. Buffalo Gourd
  97. Carolina Bristle Mallow
  98. Barrel Cactus *
  99. Agave *
  100.  Arrowhead Root *


Dominant Terrain | Season


Roll 1D20

  1. Ramps (Wild Leeks)
  2. River Cane Shoots
  3. Fiddleheads * (Young Ferns)
  4. Oyster Mushroom
  5. Quail Eggs
  6. Catfish
  7. Queen Anne’s Lace (Wild Carrots)
  8. Chicken of the Woods Mushroom
  9. Cattails (near water)
  10. BlackBerries
  11. Chicory (Leafy Vegetable)
  12. Paw Paw (Tree Fruit)
  13. Black Walnuts *
  14. Acorns *
  15. Bolete Mushrooms
  16. Rose Hips * (Rose Bush Berries)
  17. Crabapple  (Tree Fruit)
  18. Persimmons  (Tree Fruit)
  19. Gingko nuts *
  20. Chestnuts



Roll 1D20

  1. Shaggy Mane Mushrooms
  2. Horseradish
  3. Rhubarb *
  4. Morel Mushrooms
  5. Green Fir Pine Cones *
  6. Cherries
  7. Gooseberry *
  8. Blueberry
  9. Elderberries
  10. Raspberries
  11. Porcini Mushroom
  12. Chanterelle
  13. Salmon
  14. Sheep Sorrel (Leafy Vegetable)
  15. Evergreen Needles *
  16. Camas Root
  17. Actinidia (Bush Fruit)
  18. Juniper Berries
  19. Sea buckthorn (Bush Berry)
  20. Usnea – Old Man’s Beard * (Moss)



Roll 1D20

  1. Pepper Dulse (Seaweed)
  2. Gutweed (Seaweed)
  3. Brown Crabs
  4. Duck Eggs
  5. Sandpiper Eggs
  6. Brown shrimp
  7. Snails
  8. Sugar Kelp (Seaweed)
  9. Sea Lettuce (Seaweed)
  10. Beach Peas *
  11. Beach Mustard (Leafy Vegetable)
  12. Sand Crab
  13. Watercress (Leafy Vegetable)
  14. Oarweed * (Seaweed)
  15. Serrated Wrack  (Seaweed)
  16. Mussels
  17. Laver * (Seaweed)
  18. Dumont’s Weed  (Seaweed)
  19. Clams
  20. Oysters


Plains/ Meadows

Roll 1D20

  1. Wild Violets
  2. Dandelions
  3. Burdock (Leafy Vegetable)
  4. Daylilies
  5. Kudzu (Leafy Vegetable)
  6. Lambsquarter (Leafy Vegetable)
  7. Purslane (Succulent)
  8. Miner’s Lettuce
  9. Hedgehog Mushrooms
  10. Wild Onions
  11. Strawberries
  12. Wild Grapes
  13. Wild Apples
  14. Squash
  15. Pecans *
  16. Kinnikinnick (Leafy Vegetable)
  17. Greenbriar Root
  18. Cattail Root
  19. Chickweed
  20. Teaberry


Arid/ Desert

Roll 1D20

  1. Nettles (Leafy Vegetable) *
  2. Agarita Berries
  3. Yucca Flower *
  4. Milk Thistle
  5. Chiávul Buds (Cactus)
  6. Saguaro Fruit * (Cactus)
  7. Mulberries
  8. Wild Poppies
  9. Hackberry
  10. Amaranth
  11. Honey Mesquite (Bush and Seeds)
  12. Prickly Pear * (Cactus)
  13. Peppergrass
  14. Sweetgum Pods
  15. Henbit (Leafy Vegetable)
  16. Buffalo Gourd
  17. Carolina Bristle Mallow
  18. Barrel Cactus *
  19. Agave *
  20.  Arrowhead Root *


Roll 1D5

  1.  Honeycomb
  2.  Abandoned cart with cheeses
  3.  A buried, but sealed, cask of ale
  4.  Cottage ruins with jarred preserves
  5.  Several fat, nutritious grubs